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ISMAR 2014 - Sep 10-12 - Munich, Germany

Utilizing Contact-view as an Augmented Reality Authoring Method for Printed Document Annotation


Event TitleRoomStartEnd
Posters Presentation - Batch 2TBA11 Sep, 2014 12:00 PM11 Sep, 2014 12:30 PM
Klen Čopič Pucihar
Paul Coulton
In Augmented Reality (AR) the real world is enhanced by superimposed digital information commonly visualized through augmented annotations. The visualized data comes from many different data sources. One increasingly important source of data is user generated content. Unfortunately, AR tools that support user generated content are not common hence the majority of augmented data within AR applications is not generated utilizing AR technology. In this paper we discuss the main reasons for this and evaluate how the contact-view paradigm could enhance annotation authoring process within the class of tabletop size AR workspaces. This evaluation is based on a prototype that allows musicians to annotate a music score manuscript utilizing freehand drawing on top of device screen. Experimentation showed the potential of contact-view paradigm as an annotation authoring method that performs well in single and collaborative multi-user situations.